Fitness Training Videos

Overcome your fear and break out of your comfort zone. It will be difficult, just do it but make sure it’s safe. 

Get Confident, Better, Bolder!

While many would still be sleeping in their beds on a Sunday morning, I still start my day as early as 5am.

.. need something physical to pump more blood into my brain, manage stress more effectively and harness the energy so as to keep me in the game longer!

Early morning perks to start the day.

Once upon a time, far far away, on a very very sleepy Sunday morning..  All you need  is some padworks 🥊 to keep yourself energized.

Early morning perks to start the day  ..

Start your day positive!

That feeling of motivation after watching Nurmagomedov vs McGregor. Now bursting with energy! Time to condition myself again after a long break.
Motivation is Key..
Like machines, we humans need to update our firmwares too. Keep practising, keep learning.. Enriching the Body, Mind, Heart & Soul… downloading in progress! Version update includes better Confidence, Speed, Agility, Power, Reflexes..

We had a good break during Ramadan.

Enough of the festive delicacies for Eid! Now it’s time to get back to sharpening the saw and burn those calories!


Annoying your opponent may give you the advantage that could put a mental edge over them just by being consistent  with that hit & run techniques.. Which can really annoy the shit out of your opponent, and make them lose their guard.

Fight Smart..


Life can be stressful, don’t keep it inside you. Be in control and let out those stress on that heavy bag!

Make stress work for you! Make them burn those freaking extra calories and improve on your techniques!

When wifey’s away on biz trip and you have the gym all to yourself… Seriously need to burn those flabs on my tummy. It’s shaking up and down (like Pamela Anderson’s Baywatch Intro) while doing my ropes.

Building Stamina, Agility, Endurance..


When your mind and body is in sync..
With endurance, determination, perseverance, we conquer!
 Impossible is nothing..